Case Studies
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Explore how OpenCloudBSS enhanced its offering with a reporting solution for their MVNOs in just 2 months.

Success Stories

Resellers Performance Report
As data analysts, we’re used to working in a purely digital space – servers, databases, code, data, and numbers. But we had one memorable project where our work became something tangible. One of our MVNO clients, targeting travelers, was distributing SIM cards through nearly 2,000 affiliate stores across the country. We came up with an idea to generate a personalized report for each store, showcasing how well the subscribers they brought in were performing. What countries they have been traveling to, how many calls were making and etc. Instead of

SIM Box Fraud
Running an MVNO comes with its challenges, one of which is the risk of being targeted by SIM Box fraud. This type of fraud involves using a large number of SIM cards in a single device, called a SIM box, to route international calls as local calls, exploiting telecom networks and causing significant revenue loss. A while ago, we helped an MVNO dealing with this exact issue. The manager of a small UK-based MVNO reached out with concerns about a sudden increase in new activations and skyrocketing call volumes. While

Revenue Reconciliation
Why is it important for MVNOs to reconcile wholesale and retail events? In the world of telecom, systems are not always perfect, and unexpected issues can lead to financial losses for both MNOs and MVNOs. We experienced such a situation a few years ago with one of our MVNO clients at MVNOanalytics. To monitor discrepancies, we developed a report that compared the minutes billed by the MNO at the wholesale level with those charged by the MVNO to subscribers at the retail level. While small variations of less than 0.25%